This is a day school in two halves. In the morning, we explore the extraordinary 450 million-year evolution of plants and the inventive ways they solved the many problems arising from the move on to dry land – gravity, nutrition, desiccation and the particularly intractable and surprising issue of reproduction.
In the afternoon the focus shifts to how humans have adapted this bountiful heritage. We discover why, where and how agriculture was invented, and why this step has been described as “the worst mistake in history “. This is followed by an overview of the key discoveries and different approaches to food growing in places as diverse as China, the Americas, the Islamic World and Britain. We conclude with a look at the revolutionary changes of the twentieth century and the challenges and possibilities of the future.
The day should provide a fascinating new perspective on the plants that grow in your garden.
Sunday 23rd February 2025 10am-4pm
Davis Hall, Howell Hill, West Camel, BA22 7QX
Course Fee: £25 to include tea and coffee
Advance booking essential: contact Kim at